
🌰 if you have perfectly organized notes, it means you didn't spend enough time creating

It’s funny how much this relates to a concept I’ve heard in tech a lot: [[🌰 If your product is absolutely perfect when you launch it, you launched too late.]]

This means:

  • We no longer live in a waterfall world where feedback is received so slowly that every shared draft must be semi-final.
  • It can be better to do imperfectly and improve than think until you’ve crafted the perfect solution.
  • There is no such thing as perfection, and it’s not worth trying to achieve. Pick a different goal and get there messily if needed.

There are contexts where this is not appropriate. In medicine or policy, “try an imperfect solution and improve iteratively” can be criminally negligent. That’s why “move fast and break things” worked well for the tech industry until it didn’t. [[🌰 big tech companies are governments]] that affect us to a similar degree as our own government. Facebook can’t nuke anyone, but it can shape the sentiment of an entire country.

But when it comes to low-stakes problem solving or creative work, creating before you think you’re ready is valuable. At least, that’s the hypothesis this blog is testing.


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Every post on this blog is a work in progress. Phrasing may be less than ideal, ideas may not yet be fully thought through. Thank you for watching me grow.