
🌰 knowing what to build away from is just as important as knowing what to build

I discussed a few different ideas in “🌰 I’m struggling with a piece about business writers”, but the most important, I think is the idea that: Knowing what to build away from is just as important as knowing what to build.

The simplest form of the idea is this: it provides absolutely no value to the world for Andreessen Horowitz to invest in a public surveillance company used by police. It provides negative value, unless a16z knows how to build away from a panopticon surveillance state future. To write a press release about how excited you are to build a world where police can stalk footage of cars based on color and three letters from the license plate means nothing when we know that police have asked similar companies to alter evidence on their behalf.

Which is the second half of what’s going on here: not only do you need to know what to build away from, you also need to convince consumers and investors that you know what to build away from. Consumers are beginning to hold businesses accountable for their social impact on the world. And business leaders know it. So look at your investments with open eyes. Make a plan to build towards something beautiful. But be sure to also plan to build away from the societal pitfalls. It’ll make you better at business and a more valuable early-stage investor. And if you share your thoughts with your audience? It’ll only build trust and credibility.

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