
🌱 Flow Is Betting That The Best Way To Succeed As A Crypto Company Is To Build Like They Are Not A Crypto Company

Today Rarible announced a $14M funding round. Hidden below the fold was a secondary announcement: Rarible will build on Flow next.

🌳 Flow has huge ambitions. And they’re betting that The Way to succeed as a crypto company is to act like a non-crypto company.

Most crypto projects are “public” from day 1, and sometimes it can be a trap. From the day they have a token launch, they’re a public company with investors that expect returns. Origin is a good example of a company that’s balancing things like stock buybacks with product launches. Flow has taken the opposite approach.

Just look at Flow’s partnerships: the NBA, CNN, Dr. Seuss, OpenSea, and now Rarible. Three of those brands are US to the bones. Meanwhile, it’s not possible for US residents to buy Flow tokens. You can buy the product, but you can’t own the stock. It sounds ridiculous in a crypto world, but it is how every other type of company functions.

Flow is making a bet, in other words, that if they can be the platform that Big Name developers use to run Big Name projects, they’ll get the customers they need to have a successful platform. They don’t need to attract retail investors now to succeed. After all, no other tech company has needed to.

Related thoughts:

Inspired by: Rarible + Flow partnership announcement

Related to: 🌳 Flow, [[NFT]]

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